The tools could be used for assessment and self-awareness about knowledge, skills and competences of consultants, related to modern media literacy (Unit 4, 5 and 6). Each of the units has two instruments (test and game) forming the total result (in ECVET points). You could pass through each tool just once (with one registration).
Click here to practice the tools.
In addition to the tools you could explore two examples of ePortfolios. The ePortfolio, in principle, could be a good instrument for assessment, self-assessment, self-awareness, presentation or communication. Bellow you could see two examples of ePortfolios, one of artistic background and one of scientific/formal sciences. The example “John Example” is under local Mahara ePortfolio system, “George Example” is under LinedIn. Both of them are “virtual persons” ePortfolios.
It is advisable to get acquainted in advance with Getting started and the Manual.
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