Unit 6: Self-guidance and media literacy for disadvantaged youth

(youth at risk of early school leaving, youth facing economic obstacles and cultural differences)

ECVET Points: 14

Learning outcome 1:
General knowledge about disadvantaged groups 







• To be familiar with personality/behavior problems of young people;

• To be familiar with the different groups of disadvantaged youth and their specifics: young people with economic obstacles, with cultural differences, at risk of early school-leaving, geographically disadvantaged, physically disadvantaged etc.

• To be familiar with key factors of early school leaving and their influence on the young people;

• To be familiar with the indicators for early school leaving;

• To be familiar with the indicators for the presence of economic obstacles and cultural differences of the young people;

• To be familiar with the economic obstacles and cultural differences young people face in the respective country/region/town etc.

• Be familiar with the legislation and regulation in the field;

• Communication skills specific to the target group of disadvantaged youth;

• Analyzing young people’s behavior in terms of the different groups of disadvantaged youth and their specifics.

• Ability to identify that a young person is at risk or disadvantaged;

• Ability to identify the reasons and factors that lead to the young person being in certain disadvantage;

Learning outcome 2:
Using modern media tools for identifying potential risks







• To be familiar with existing attractive modern media tools that could motivate and engage young people at risk of early school-leaving - training e-games, ePortfolios, interactive online tests;

• To be familiar with existing modern media tools for identifying potential risk of early school leaving;

• Assisting disadvantaged young people in using attractive modern media tools: logging in/out, making accounts and profiles, orienting themselves in the games and tests, uploading/downloading images and information etc.

• Ability to recognize potential risks of early school-leaving or other problems through the online behavior of the young people – in their social network profiles or ePortfolios;

• Ability to use modern media for motivating young people at risk of early school-leaving – engage them through non-formal digital activities – training e-games, ePortfolios, interactive online tests;

Learning outcome 3:
Low-cost tools for modern media and supported training







• To be familiar with the existing low-cost hardware, open-source software and free Internet connection possibilities that economically disadvantaged young people could use;

• To be familiar with possibilities for supported training opportunities suitable for economically disadvantaged young people: e.g. training courses covered by the social services;

• To be familiar with possibilities for distance learning suitable for economically disadvantaged youth who cannot afford to live or travel to the big cities;

• To be familiar with possibilities for using modern media for distance work in order to overcome an economic disadvantage – e.g. project-based work with Skype and e-mail, translations received and sent via e-mail etc.

• Choosing from the available tools the appropriate one/s/ for a concrete disadvantaged client;

• Mapping the needs of the particular groups of disadvantaged youth to the existing supported training/distance learning/distance work opportunities;

• Ability to recommend low-cost tools for modern media and supported training;

Methods of assessment


• Game

• Test

• ePortfolio

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