Unit 4: Basic ICT and digital media

ECVET Points: 22

Learning outcome 1:







• To be familiar with different types of existing hardware (e.g. PC, lap tops, printers etc.);

• To be familiar with key hardware components and their basic parameters;

• To be familiar with network connection options – cable or wireless connection;

• To be familiar with new emerging hardware devices for communication, entertainment and job searching that are popular among the young people: smartphones, tablets, portable media players, photo cameras, wearables;

• Switching on and shutting down the computer correctly.

• Switching on/off printers, scanners, monitors, headphones, microphones and other similar devices;

• Checking the parameters of basic hardware components – e.g. the hard disk space left.

• Ability to use existing hardware.

• Ability to use emerging hardware devices for communication, entertainment and job searching that are popular among the young people.

• Connecting a computer to the Internet;

Learning outcome 2:







• To be familiar with the most widely spread operating systems;

• To be familiar with existing software:

- Word-processing software;

- Spreadsheets software and presentation software;

- for opening, processing and editing images;

- for playing video files;

- for playing audio files;

• To be familiar with nowadays terminology in the digital media software;

• To be familiar with existing file formats;

• Launching programs;

• Creating, opening, closing, saving, deleting, finding and reading files;

• Word processing skills;

• Application of spreadsheets software and presentation software.

• Playing video and audio files;

• Opening and basic editing of images;

• Connecting to the Internet – enable/disable wireless

• Ability to work and orient oneself in the most widely spread operating systems;

• Ability to work with most widely used software for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, playing video and audio files and manipulating images;

Learning outcome 3:
Online tools for information, communication and learning







• To be familiar with different browsers;

• To be familiar with new emerging software for communication, entertainment and job searching that are popular among the young people:

- social networks: e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn;

- video platforms: e.g. YouTube;

- online TV;

- music platforms: e.g. Spotify;

- mobiles applications;

- blogging;

- ePortfolio systems: e.g. Behance;

- e-learning: e.g. in Moodle, online courses, online tests;

- tools for online conferencing: e.g. Skype;

• To be familiar with basic security issues online: e.g. fake e-mails, theft of personal data;

• Opening and closing the browser;

• Entering, exiting and navigating web sites;

• Creating e-mail/social networks/platforms account;

• Creating a social network profile;

• Writing, opening and sending e-mails;

• Ability to use most widely spread online tools for basic information, communication and learning;

Methods of assessment


• Game

• Test

• ePortfolio

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