Welcome to web platform “Modern media literacy self-assessment toolkit” of the “Quality of youth career guidance and nowadays media literacy” (QYCGuidance) project. 


The project is supported by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The main aim of the project is to improve the quality of youth career guidance via providing updated approaches, quality indicators and online tools for youth career counselors. The project involves 6 partner organizations from 4 countries – Bulgaria, Austria, Lithuania and Turkey.

On this web platform one can find the following information:

- In “Counselors” part there is useful information about self-guidance and nowadays media literacy targeted at youth career consultants. Career consultants can read about the shift from career guidance to self-guidance and what knowledge, skills and competences are necessary to answer the young people’s needs in this respect.

- In “Organizations” part there is useful information about self-guidance and nowadays media literacy targeted at youth career centers, vocational schools, youth information centers and other organizations that are working in the field of youth career guidance. Managers of those institutions can read more about the shift from career guidance to self-guidance and the quality assurance of youth career consultancy.

- In “Tools” section career counselors can test their knowledge, skills and competences in terms of modern media literacy in nowadays career guidance using the innovative interactive assessment tools (games, interactive tests, ePortfolio and alike). Games and Tests are accessible from the Tools menu, whereas e-Portfolio examples are accessible from the Counselors – Tools and Organizations – Tools menus.


- In “The Project” part one can find information about “Quality of youth career guidance and nowadays media literacy” (QYCGuidance) project:


      •    Latest News;
      •    Resources – manual, leaflet, getting started the toolkit etc.
      •    Partners;
      •    Intranet – limited area only for the partners for exchange of files and documents;
      •    Contacts.


Supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. This project reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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